Hitmen 10U & 12U Prospective players & parents
As you all know there is a degree of uncertainty surrounding tryouts for 10U & 12U scheduled to begin Tuesday March 17, 2020.
The Ice Vault Arena has undertaken an extensive sterilization process in preparation for the upcoming tryouts.
The Jersey Hitmen organization has been in contact with USAH and AAHA officials. It is a fluid issue to say the least. There are many options being considered along with a lot of speculation. It is in all of our best interest to keep everyone informed in a timely manner on what the facts are as it pertains to our operation. We will keep the coaches informed, they in turn will keep our players & their families up to speed.
Regardless of whether or not we hold physical tryouts, there will be a signing period for 10U & 12U players on March 17, 2020 corresponding to the original start time of each team's respective tryout. Once signed, contracts will be processed in the normal fashion.
We will continue to monitor the situation and adjust the 2020-21 training calendar as necessary.
Jim Hunt President, Jersey Hitmen Hockey Club